Author/Bat Signaler: Quirky. Corny Curator. Resourceful.

Hope is our first In The Spotlight guest of 2024, and we hoooppppeee that you'll love it! Hehehe... See what I did there?!? I couldn't help it, folks. Carry on!
As her website designer, it has been such a privilege to be a part of Hope's journey as she shares her talents as an Author and Content Cultivator with the world. At each point of any necessary revisions, Hope knows exactly what she wants to express to her audience and/or provide as a service to her clients.
“I consider myself a bat signaler for corny women over 40. I enjoy leveraging and sharing my triumphs, lessons, and insights with others who are like me: looking to make the most of our 3rd act of life." - Hope Marshall
On her site, Hope shares that she is a Corny Curator and Bat Signaler for Corny Women Over 40. I just love it, and it makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside! Thanks, Hope, for being absolutely cool and keeping it corny!
Be sure to look out for that bat signal and grab some Corny Girl Chronicles Affirmation Cards from her shop! She's dropping gems!
I asked Hope our Signature Spotlight questions, and this is what she had to say:
LBDSAW: Choose 3 words to describe yourself.
HOPE: Quirky, Corny Curator, Resourceful
LBDSAW: How would you describe your personal style?
HOPE: Vintage 80's with a current style blend
LBDSAW: If you are a salad lover, tell me what you'd have in your Signature Salad.
HOPE: Sweetgreen's Shroomami salad
LBDSAW: If you are a wine lover, do you prefer red or white?
HOPE: Red for the win!
LBDSAW: If you were to create a signature cocktail, what would be in it (with or without alcohol works)?
HOPE: Moscow Mule.
LBDSAW: Where is your favorite place to dine?
HOPE: Washington D.C. You could try to go to a different restaurant every day for a year, and still wouldn't make a dent. I love options!
LBDSAW: What travel destination has been your favorite?
HOPE: Thailand. The food, the people...just a paradise.
LBDSAW: Where haven't you been that you'd like to explore?
HOPE: Switzerland
LBDSAW: What makes you feel the happiest? (Not a person)
HOPE: Taking a walk, sitting in the sun afterwards, and not having to rush to be anywhere.
LBDSAW: What do you enjoy most about being an Author/Bat Signaler?
HOPE: I consider myself a bat signaler for corny women over 40. I enjoy leveraging and sharing my triumphs, lessons, and insights with others who are like me: looking to make the most of our 3rd act of life.
LBDSAW: What advice would you give to someone pursuing their passion & purpose?
HOPE: Niche down. Don't try to appeal to everyone. Leverage what you're passionate about and become laser-focused on a core audience. Your 'people' will 'get' you, and you'll find you won't have to be anything other than yourself.
LBDSAW: What's next for you?
HOPE: In the words of Betty Reid Soskin (the oldest living National Park Service Ranger) I have been so many things in my lifetime.
I'm a strategic wanderer and starter-over. Each journey has yielded so many fruitful experiences.
I'm creating a guide to starting over in your 3rd act, as well as affirmation cards for corny women over 40.
I also hope to be invited to give talks about course correction, and starting over, particularly in middle age.
LBDSAW: How can folks follow your journey?
LBDSAW: Thanks, Hope! We'll be following! - MRM
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